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Latin America and the Caribbean

MEETING IN LIMA of the SI Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean

06-07 May 2005


Original: Spanish

The Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean, meeting in Lima on 6-7 May 2005, having examined the current political situation in Mexico, and in the face of the judicial process which allows the loss of political rights of the Head of Government of the City of Mexico:

Calls on the Mexican parties, the Party of Democratic Revolution, PRD, and the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI, members of the Socialist International, to consolidate the democratic process, permitting the successful holding of clean and transparent elections, in which all the political parties and their candidates are entered on the electoral ballot, and it is the Mexican people who decide at the polls the new government of Mexico;

Welcomes the political dialogue and climate of easing tensions initiated by the different political actors, which will pave the way for a legal and democratic electoral process during the general elections of 2 July 2006.

Other activities

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